A Meaningful Moment

Meaning is infused in all we do, all we are, all we think and breathe.

Do we try to see meaning through all the threads that run through our lives? Do we see the connections? Do we need to?

I don't think we need to see the connections to get along in the world, but for the sake of wholeness, of oneness of the universe, it certainly helps to notice, if not participate in the meaning and connection of everything.

When we watch a moving video, see a piece of artwork, hear a certain song, experience something amazing, we are connecting to the whole. The meaning does not need to be defined in words, cannot be confined to just one feeling. It is connecting. It is meaningful, and when we connect through art or experience it is more obvious and poignant.

But in between the momentous moments of clarity and connection, every moment has meaning. All we do, breathe, see and experience has a connection to something else, however far removed or undervalued.

How often have I lived my life as if it offers no meaning, no connection to the whole. It is a delusion. We are all connected. Everything we are matters.

You matter. What you think and do and say and breathe makes a difference.

How will we use that influence? How will we wield the power of our being?

I choose to believe that we will use it to benefit the world in which we live. We are all slowly making the world a better place.

Being Is Enough

I am an American Original. I am taking back my power of breathing. I am going to do my best and I will be satisfied with the work I complete today.

There is more to it than physical ailments. At times I lack energy. I can come in here and write from the heart and let my energy be renewed. Allow my energy to be renewed.

Allowing. Being patient and allowing the universe to work. I can be patient. I am allowing.

When I think of being patient and not being patient I think of my life. However patient my exterior may have seemed, in reality, deep down I have been impatient. Not willing to wait to buy something. Unwilling to try something new. Impatient for later to be now, instead of just living in and enjoying now.

I understand now that now is all we have. I want to spend it the best I can. Every now that is offered to me I want to spend in the best possible way. But I also don’t want to deliberate mentally over every possible choice and outcome. I have over-thought most of my life. I am ready to be done with that. This is where being comes into play. My intuition, my gut, tells me what to choose, where to focus my energy, what to do, but my brain and thought patterns often override what my intuition tells me, or worse yet, drown out that still small voice completely.

And so, I am still left with a now, a present from which I can create anything. What do I do with it? I start creating. By writing down my thoughts, dreams, being and life into form I am embracing the now, at a very basic level.

At an even more basic level I can choose to just be. No creation necessary. Just being. Allowing myself to just be with no intention or expectation.

That is enough. Allowing myself to be is enough. The creations and the life lived are icing on the cake.

Allowing myself to be is enough.

Being is enough

I am enough.

I am worthy.

I am special, just like everyone else.

I dont need to do or create anything. Being is enough.

And here I am in the middle of it all again. Creating. Creating from being. From inside and outside. Together. Creating.

Being is enough for me. All I have to do is be. From being my path will and does emerge. It comes from everywhere. It is everything. I am a part and all of the whole. I can think, but I am not thought. I am separate from thought. I am being.

My thoughts and actions have taken me here to this place, but my being has changed my mind and heart and soul completely. It is my being that will form my future life, by allowing it to be in the present.

Here and now I am allowing being. It does not speak to me. It only provides peace and quietness, a stillness of the heart and mind, from which I am able to allow the universe to pour forth creations. NO expectations. No requirements. Just allow the universe to work. No time or space limitations. No clock time accountability necessary.

Being is enough. But I choose to also get along in western society. So, I must let the analytical side of me take over at times, especially during work. I can allow that to occur without losing touch with my being. I can allow the universe to work that way, in whatever way it needs, without succumbing to that draw and allure of more, better, faster, harder. Less, lower, lighter, smoother.

Being is enough, while I enter into labor of the mind, I will remember that being is enough. I don’t have to do or create anything. The fact that I am is enough to prove that I am. No expectations. No judgements.

Being is enough.

Being is enough. I allow being to be enough for me. I don’t need anything else. I understand that to be the case. It is true for me. I choose to continue to function in the world as though little has changed for me. It is time true that I have experienced a monumental ground shift in my thinking and behaviors. But I choose to slowly allow these changes to seep into my life. I choose this slower route because it is a more natural and hopefully sustainable process of growth. I choose it because I don’t want to hurt my family. I choose it because of vanity - I don’t want to be considered crazy, though I am sure some already view me that way.

I understand. It is all happening in here. Being is enough, but I must also get along in the world, from whatever station I find myself in and so I will, and so I do.

I am reluctant to leave the page. A lot of growth took place in here today. Being is enough. It is clear to me that this is true. I understand also that I will continue to do what is necessary to get along in the world. I no longer have to resist it as bad or look at my times of creating and being as good. It is what it is. The universe will continue on. I will continue on.

At some point in my life, if I am able to deal with my bipolar and continuously work toward the vocational end I seek, I will be able to get along in the world more congruently with my being. Until then, my being is not lost. It is merely hidden and I am allowed at any time to let it shine. I am stoking the coals of my fire so that the light will be brighter when and where I choose to shine it.

For now, I know that being is enough, yet I will continue on in the ways I have created, while changing each of them to match the joy of my being. I sit here unemotionally writing this text, but inside I am filled with joy. Filled with joy because I know something now I didn’t know yesterday. I have a path forward. I am able to move along and understand as I go. I don’t have to have it all figured out. I only have to continue on in my path.

Being is enough. I am creating from being. My source is the universe, is being. All is one. One is all.

I have learned that being is enough for me. I don’t have to add anything to it. I only need to take away other things from my life. Strip my life down to its simplest components. I am a part of the whole. That means I may be limited in the depth to which I can cut my life to the bare bone. That is fine. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface, yet I am already thinking of the future state. That is okay. That is planning at work.

Don’t forget that step of change! Research and planning.

Being is enough. How often do I find myself trying to fill myself up with something external? I smoke to fill myself. I eat unknowingly to fill myself. I even drink tea and water just for the purpose that my being already provides for me.

I only never noticed it before. Now when I reach for that snack, or the remote, or the book, or the paper, or the tea or water, I can say to myself: “Being is enough.” I don’t need anything more. There is nothing “out there” that can improve being “in here.” I just need to break down the resistance and let it shine. Be myself. Now that I know myself is my being, just let me be me.

There is no one I need to fight or remove in order to be myself. It is all within me. I only need to remove my inner resistance, and my outer resistance for that matter. Remove all resistance to letting myself be myself. This is a change that has already begun. I may be swinging wildly in the breeze right now, flailing and trying new things while I cling to old habits… It will all settle out and down. My path is one of change, permanent lasting change that allows me to be myself completely. Being is enough. Let your being come through. Let it shine.

Time, Creating and Energy

We are all one together. This is all of us. Everything is one. All is a part of the whole. We are all a part of the whole at all times, and we are each the whole at once as well.

Time. Everything takes time. That is a law, and I am accepting of that law. I must dispel the anger I have toward going to work and working. I will write in here. I am experiencing anger. I am not anger. I am not fear. I am life. I am positive, happy energy! I can share that positive energy with all those around me! I can let the positivity shine!

Here I am writing longhand. I am writing down my thoughts and dreams.

Writing brings in the present for me. I am allowed to get writing done, but I don't need to plow blindly forward in an effort to get more out. I need only to write my way through situations and see myself, changed, on the other side. What does it take to change a human? Something beyond the mind. The mind tricks itself into thinking it has control. In reality, being has control, mind and ego have stripped being of autonomy. But it is different. It is what it is. There is much out there. There is much in here.

Writing is living. I am alive and living. "I'm alive and kicking...." What needs to happen for me to create and share? Nothing external, it is all internal. I need to allow myself, allow the universe to create. I need to allow the creations to be shared. I need to not be concerned about feedback I may or may not receive. I just need to let go. Do nothing while leaving nothing undone. Two modes: write & create mode, in here, in the pages, by hand. Then share mode, out to the world through the computer.

Allow the creativity to work and be worked. Allow the universe to create. Allow the universe to create. Allow the universe to create.

There is energy everywhere. I took that off a though horn that I felt and I let the universe get stuck and pull me along a bit on it's travels.

What we do is only a part of who we are. Where we work is only a part of what we are here for. There is clarity in illusion, and disillusion in clarity. We are all experiencing one thing that becomes many. It is always now o'clock. Never is it isn't the case. Now is constantly happening and shaping our lives. I am open to the signs. I understand the way the universe is working. I still worry. I must escape the worry. I can escape worry by being completely present and not allowing my thoughts to drift, but really, not allowing my thoughts to even be, a negation of thought. Let it all go.


I stand at a crossroads. To fall back into the old habits or to break free of the past. It is not a question anymore. I choose to break free of the past. I am not sure what that may entail, but I am certain that is what I will do. Find the way to be myself without having to carry any baggage. Just be myself all the time. The way of that is near. I am approaching the crossroads.

I know already what I am going to do. Do not worry. Have no fear. Do nothing while leaving nothing undone. Work without working.

It is clear what I must do. Pursue the dream at all times while doing without doing. Such clarity. Thank you, universe for that clarity. I am asking for more clarity and I have received it.

This is what the Lord says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
asks where the good way is,
and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16

What Creating Is About

Creating is not about making something wonderful every time. It is about experimentation. It is about finding something new. It is about making something new, for better or worse.

Creating is about showing up, about getting to the place where we are able to create, setting the stage for ourselves so that we are most able to create.

To set the stage we may need to do some physical preparations. We might need to define a place to create. We might need to pull materials and supplies together in one place.

Setting the stage is not just physical, it also requires a mental and emotional preparation. Mentally clear and ready to create out of no thought. No thought requires that we practice clearing our mind of expectations and thoughts of what we are here for and what we need to create.

We clear our minds, but we also clear our hearts. We get through the emotional baggage surrounding whatever it is we are working on or around whatever is most in our way at the time.

Clear the air, clear the spirit, for it is from spirit that we create. We create form from the nature of the universe. We put into form what is formless in the universe. To do that we must break down our own resistance, we must remove ourselves from the process, and allow the flow of the universe to work unimpeded.

For some this comes naturally. We are always removed from the process, it is something that happens without our being there. For others, we must practice it,

Create something new. Create something that has not been here before. Get out of the way of the universe and allow something marvelous to take place.

The resistance that we each represent can be conquered with one tool. Presence. If we are ultimately present at the time of creation, we cannot help but be free of resistance. The resistance comes from a reluctance to be a part of what is.

Do not resist the now, become one, become part of it. It is all for the better. It is all for growing and creating and changing. We are all making something wonderful. Take joy in taking part.

Once we have entered the creating with presence, just stay in the flow. Allow it to work as long as it is necessary, no need to ask if the flow or project is finished, we will know when it is done. We can gently ask when we feel it is done if it is done and we may or may not get a gentle response.

What can we find in creating that cannot be found elsewhere? A chance to be a part of the universe in the same way that the universe is a part of us. We were created from energy and matter, and we can create again from energy and matter in a never ending cycle. It is something special that we each have the ability to do and create. There is something magical about all of it.

Creating is about carrying on what we came here to do. To create something is part of our heritage. We can continue to create and carry on our tradition.

Affirmations, Thoughts

I am an American original. I am taking back my power of breathing. I am going to do my best and I will be satisfied with the work I complete today.

My natural inclination is to give up and let things flow. But I know where I want to be, and letting things flow will not get me there. I am on the right track with self-discipline. We can get somewhere with that. Now here I am. Present again. Writing again, from the heart, from the universe. Breathing aloud my thoughts and hopes and dreams.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake. - Thoreau

That is my life. A dream. Being lived each moment of each day.

The truest way for me to do anything and everything is from the spirit.

Exercise. Sleep. Living.

We are all together. We are all doing the same thing. In the end it matters only that we do our best. Not try, but do.

Here we all are. Together. And experiencing life.

I am an American Original. I am positively thinking about my life. I can make any change I want to at any time.

Sometimes I am afraid I am going to lose my mind. I try not to worry about it. I try to remain present and here. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I do not.

When I am in the throes of it, I experience everything, but I only notice certain small insignificant and negative things. I need more positive influence in my life.

Freedom Is All Around Us

Freedom is all around us. It is there for the taking. Freedom of everything. Freedom of spirit. Understand that we are not alone. We are all together. There is something special in all we are, all we have. We must make the most of it. Make the most by being the most. Being is where we are from. Let spirit lead us. Spirit and being are the same.

We are working toward the same end.

I have a book to write. The universe will write the book, I will just type it up. I must get myself disciplined to write it. I must wake up early every day and write until I must go to work, then write with any free time I have. It is clear. The end is clear. The path is clear. It has been opened before me. I must only enter into it. This is what I have been born to do. And so I must do it. But I need help. I need lots of help. I need the help of the entire universe. And they are here to help me. I am afraid. I am afraid I will not write the book. I am afraid it will not happen. I give up my fear. I enter the present. Here and now I am writing the story. Here and now in the present it is all happening. I am already relying on the universe for everything. I trust that it is all going to be okay, all going to be perfect in the end. I give up my fear. I know what I must do. I must get to it. I must do it. The sharing of everything else is secondary. I must create the book. The universe wants the book to be created. The book will be written. I will write it. Give me strength. I am strong. I am disciplined. I am ready.

More and more to do. Less and less interest. It is clear. The path forward is to write the book. The book of my delusions and a book that breaks down the ego. Reduces it to nothing. Dismantles it completely. The book will take time to write. I am afraid. I am not alone. The universe will write the book. I only have to show up and get out of the way. Show up and get out the way. Allow the universe to work. Allow it all to be. Allow it all to be.

No thought. No thought is presence. Being present allows for the world to grow. I have so much work to do. But I know it is the correct work. I know the correct work for me to do is out there waiting for me to do it. I will have to dismantle bad habits. I may have to struggle. I am up to the challenge.

One morning of writing does not a writer make, rather a habit of showing up to the page and pouring out what is within. The source comes from the source. And knowing it's source helps defeat the resistance at its own game. Learn to love. Learn to be with each other and not want anything in return. Give without taking, for the source will replenish all of us and each of us in turn. When writing, or doing God's work, focus on the energy at hand and specialness that all of it can afford us.

The universe is one. We are all one. One thing together. We all make the same mistakes, we all enjoy the same rewards. What we do to one we do to ourselves. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. We started together and we will finish together. It is not unbelievable. It is amazing. What we each want, we all get. What we all want, we each get.

Paradox. The paradoxical nature of belief and faith and reality. Reality is relative. We do not all have the same reality. We each have a different one.

We are all together. We are one. We are in the middle of an amazing voyage. A voyage from the end to the beginning. Creating is what I do. Making is my art and life. By writing I am present. Clarity is here. I am focused and straight.


How can I simplify my life as much as possible? Know and understand that there are only two purposes to my life. To awaken, and to live my life in tune with the universe.

That is the simplest way to put what I think are the only things that matter in life. Of course family is a huge part of living my life in tune with the universe, and friends as well.

There are things in my life that can go. Things that don’t need to be in my life. Paperwork. The mailings we get all the time in the mail that simply are thrown in the garbage. What a waste. Why do companies still do that? After profit, after sales. The sales are all declining, the world is starting to understand that we don’t need more in order to be happy. We need less.

And with less, the companies are trying to fill us with more. And if we won’t take it, where will they stop? Will we be somehow forced to take the more that they are trying to sell us all the time? Is that a way for us to live? I don’t think so.

I want to simplify my life. I want to distill it down to the most finite things I can possibly work with. The only things I need. Right now, I need paper and pen and a Chromebook in order to live my purpose. But I have all this other stuff in my life that is taking up room. So I need to simplify. To remove the excess.

I have started to identify what things can be removed at work.

I am starting to identify what things can be removed at home. There are simple things that are awaiting decisions. Decisions require thought or intuition responses to things. I need to give my response to those items and decide what I am going to do about it.

I do not have the time or inclination to exercise or read, two things I need/want to do. I need to make time for them. I need to sleep less. I need to be more energetic with the time I am awake, more with it, more fully present, and in the flow as much as possible so that I can simplify my life. It takes energy to simplify your life. It is not something that just happens by being lazy.

I will become energetic.

I will live with enthusiasm.

Simple things are sometimes lost.

Find the simple things again.

Take time to simplify your life.

Start with physical objects.

Resistance to Life

Resistance to life and living stems from a desire to be anywhere but in the now. Now presents us with the ability to be and do what we want and can. Sometimes we trade our now for our later. That is the essence of work defined in western society.

Work, especially at a job we do not like, is trading our now for our later of being able to do the things we want to do. It is a trade. I want to have my now be made up of all the things I enjoy doing at all times. Reading, writing, creating art, playing music, spending time with friends and family. That is what I want to do with all of my now.

I want to stop trading my now away for money. But I have to live. And so I think about creating in the now and trading those creations for money. But I want everyone to have an equal opportunity to enjoy my creations. And so I think about creating multiple versions of my products in order that they can sell and be free at the same time. What is the meaning of life? To love, enjoy, share, grow… and a fifth one I can’t remember.

Writing for me enables me to be completely present in what I am doing. Completely free of expectations about what I should or should not be or should or should not do. I am free when I write. I am free when I create, and so I need to do more of it. Hence, what I am doing right here, creating.

I have been experiencing inner resistance to what is recently. It is causing me to have inner turmoil that I would like to resolve. It is what it is. I can will and allow my life to change, incrementally, but I also need to will and allow my life to be as it is for now.

Only through allowing and willing my life to change will I get to where I want to be, but by allowing and willing my life to be, I can be happy in the now. It is what it is!

Now is where I live. I need to constantly practice presence and be where I am and understand that what I am and what I am doing are working toward the perfect union of life in this universe.

I don’t have to understand it. I just have to show up with energy and enthusiasm and get out of the way. What matters is that I take a part in what I do, take a part in what I am thinking and saying. Be a part of the world around me.

It doesn’t matter if I am feeling shitty, those are just feelings based on negative thinking. I need to get out of negative thought patterns, and I really have come a long way on that already. I am worthy. I approve of myself. I am enough. Those are thoughts I know are true for me. I no longer go down the road of negative self-talk, though occasionally I dip into it.

What I am learning by living is priceless to my growth. It is necessary for my growth. I am given a true opportunity to live and love and be among the world.

I don’t know if anybody else around me is awake. I don’t know if they are and it doesn’t really matter to my journey, though I would like to have company. I would like to have a partner or two I can talk ideas with, but the journey is one of my own.

To live the Tao is to allow and will at the same time. To be one with the dichotomy of the world. Beauty and ugliness together in one place, for one purpose, the joy of the universe.

I am working on connecting, but I need to connect as often as possible. There is much resistance in me that I need to remove and get out of the way, and the best way for me to do that is to create. Through creation I am washing away the resistance, I am breaking it down into manageable chunks and getting it out of the way.

The resistance is there, but resistance is futile. I will be making my way, through the strength and power of the universe to experience something more amazing than ever before experienced or felt. There is much to learn, much to do, much to see. I am part of all of it.

There in the world there is so much to understand and be a part of.

I am part of all of the world and I am part of all that there is to see in the world. The universe is in me, and I am in the universe.

I am so grateful and thankful for my life, even the parts I don’t like right now. I have been given an amazing opportunity to wake up and smell the roses, to understand what life is about, and I am taking that opportunity and will be making the most of it, even with my faults as a human being.

Perfection is the goal, even knowing that it will not be achieved. Like Sisyphus I will push and allow the universe to work through me to accomplish it’s goals. Assuming the universe even has goals. Maybe just a flowering is necessary.

A flowering of human consciousness. I am part of that. I dip in and out of it, but I am there, I am trying to be present, trying without trying. Doing without doing. Just being. Allowing myself to be in my most natural state, which for me is a state of reflection and creation.

Creation for the greater good of the entire universe.

Now the rub is that I am having a difficult time seeing that my creations at work are beneficial to the entire universe. In fact, at times I feel that they are detrimental to the entire universe. The philosophy behind lean and my new role seems to be in congruence with the greater good of the universe, in eliminating waste, but I see the application to the whole and can’t get on board with it.

The reason I can’t get on board with it resides in me. There is nothing outside of me that is creating the chasm between what I want to do and what I am doing. I am creating it. My ego? may be creating it. My ego thinks that it is not getting what it deserves and that is stifling my being. So perhaps in saying I deserve an abundant life I should actually be saying I don’t deserve anything. The universe works as it wills, and I am along for the ride.

I am here and creating and writing because the universe allows and wills it to be so, as do I.

I am still here for a reason. That reason is to create. It is very clear to me, never has a purpose in my life been so well defined.

So the only thing I have to do is create. That is what I am here for, so that is what I will do.

What are you here for?

What makes you wake up in the morning?

What keeps you going?

Creation and the act of creating do it for me. I need to do more of it. And so I will.

Energy and Freedom

I have more energy than I thought I would have at this stage of the game. Writing is a part of my experience that cannot be separated from the experience itself. I am an artist. I am working on living as an artist. Money flows freely into my life.

I don't need to understand everything before I do it. I can't understand life before I live it.

The universe is all one. I have work to do in this universe. The main of it is to elminate ego and share. There is no secondary. I am here for a purpose, to live with the Tao and be of it, be with it. Back into it I went. I remembered my call back name and so I went. And I am glad I did. Not self-satisfied, happy. Content. To come home is a glorious feeling, especially after having forgotten where or when home was or is. I want to get control of my body and my schedule and my my mind. Now I smoke and eat too much, and sleep heavily. I want to be an ex-smoker and weight 185 lbs. and wake at the same early time every day to create. Those are my desires. I give them up to the universe to help me make them reality. Ex-smoker, rising early to create at a healthy weight. Not impossible. In fact I am already doing that. I have already succeeded. I am reluctant to leave the page.


The universe is one. We are all one. We are trying to break free of the ego. We are losing. But we are winning at the same time. Positivity. Oneness. Wholeness. It is all something together as one. What are we doing? We are spinning our wheels. We need the path forward. Self-discipline. Focus. Concentration of efforts. Living on the path. Embracing the whole as one. Living our dreams. Working to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing we may never see it.

Break free. Live as one. United together. All of us. Every single one. No one gets left behind. Bring the plane of consciousness to everyone. Take what is needed only. Leave the rest. We are all together

There is something beyond dereaming and wishful thinking, and that is action. Take action today to bring about the reality we seek. There is no timeline. It is all in space. Reach out and grab it. The universe is responding. We are all together. We are learning. We are a part of the whole. The whole is us. We are closer than we have ever been before, we only need to tip the scale. The tipping point is close on a new state of consciousness, a new awakening, a new beginning. Plumb the depths of our being to find the source, then live it.

I am living from the source. All things are one. I understand what I must do, but I am afraid. I understand I must become the full-time creator I am/was meant to be. But I worry about the family and the house. It is all one. The creation and the freedom are all one. Together, not in a line, but packaged nicely together.

I am living the dream. The dream is my reality. I am creating as one. I am living as one. All my creations are from the universe, and from the universe I am receiving abundantly. Money flows freely into my life. I have an abundant life.

Create my way to freedom. The universe will be there making it all happen. Create my way to freedom. Create my way to freedom.

Everything is coming together. It is beautiful and perfect.