Energy and Freedom

I have more energy than I thought I would have at this stage of the game. Writing is a part of my experience that cannot be separated from the experience itself. I am an artist. I am working on living as an artist. Money flows freely into my life.

I don't need to understand everything before I do it. I can't understand life before I live it.

The universe is all one. I have work to do in this universe. The main of it is to elminate ego and share. There is no secondary. I am here for a purpose, to live with the Tao and be of it, be with it. Back into it I went. I remembered my call back name and so I went. And I am glad I did. Not self-satisfied, happy. Content. To come home is a glorious feeling, especially after having forgotten where or when home was or is. I want to get control of my body and my schedule and my my mind. Now I smoke and eat too much, and sleep heavily. I want to be an ex-smoker and weight 185 lbs. and wake at the same early time every day to create. Those are my desires. I give them up to the universe to help me make them reality. Ex-smoker, rising early to create at a healthy weight. Not impossible. In fact I am already doing that. I have already succeeded. I am reluctant to leave the page.


The universe is one. We are all one. We are trying to break free of the ego. We are losing. But we are winning at the same time. Positivity. Oneness. Wholeness. It is all something together as one. What are we doing? We are spinning our wheels. We need the path forward. Self-discipline. Focus. Concentration of efforts. Living on the path. Embracing the whole as one. Living our dreams. Working to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing we may never see it.

Break free. Live as one. United together. All of us. Every single one. No one gets left behind. Bring the plane of consciousness to everyone. Take what is needed only. Leave the rest. We are all together

There is something beyond dereaming and wishful thinking, and that is action. Take action today to bring about the reality we seek. There is no timeline. It is all in space. Reach out and grab it. The universe is responding. We are all together. We are learning. We are a part of the whole. The whole is us. We are closer than we have ever been before, we only need to tip the scale. The tipping point is close on a new state of consciousness, a new awakening, a new beginning. Plumb the depths of our being to find the source, then live it.

I am living from the source. All things are one. I understand what I must do, but I am afraid. I understand I must become the full-time creator I am/was meant to be. But I worry about the family and the house. It is all one. The creation and the freedom are all one. Together, not in a line, but packaged nicely together.

I am living the dream. The dream is my reality. I am creating as one. I am living as one. All my creations are from the universe, and from the universe I am receiving abundantly. Money flows freely into my life. I have an abundant life.

Create my way to freedom. The universe will be there making it all happen. Create my way to freedom. Create my way to freedom.

Everything is coming together. It is beautiful and perfect.