What Creating Is About

Creating is not about making something wonderful every time. It is about experimentation. It is about finding something new. It is about making something new, for better or worse.

Creating is about showing up, about getting to the place where we are able to create, setting the stage for ourselves so that we are most able to create.

To set the stage we may need to do some physical preparations. We might need to define a place to create. We might need to pull materials and supplies together in one place.

Setting the stage is not just physical, it also requires a mental and emotional preparation. Mentally clear and ready to create out of no thought. No thought requires that we practice clearing our mind of expectations and thoughts of what we are here for and what we need to create.

We clear our minds, but we also clear our hearts. We get through the emotional baggage surrounding whatever it is we are working on or around whatever is most in our way at the time.

Clear the air, clear the spirit, for it is from spirit that we create. We create form from the nature of the universe. We put into form what is formless in the universe. To do that we must break down our own resistance, we must remove ourselves from the process, and allow the flow of the universe to work unimpeded.

For some this comes naturally. We are always removed from the process, it is something that happens without our being there. For others, we must practice it,

Create something new. Create something that has not been here before. Get out of the way of the universe and allow something marvelous to take place.

The resistance that we each represent can be conquered with one tool. Presence. If we are ultimately present at the time of creation, we cannot help but be free of resistance. The resistance comes from a reluctance to be a part of what is.

Do not resist the now, become one, become part of it. It is all for the better. It is all for growing and creating and changing. We are all making something wonderful. Take joy in taking part.

Once we have entered the creating with presence, just stay in the flow. Allow it to work as long as it is necessary, no need to ask if the flow or project is finished, we will know when it is done. We can gently ask when we feel it is done if it is done and we may or may not get a gentle response.

What can we find in creating that cannot be found elsewhere? A chance to be a part of the universe in the same way that the universe is a part of us. We were created from energy and matter, and we can create again from energy and matter in a never ending cycle. It is something special that we each have the ability to do and create. There is something magical about all of it.

Creating is about carrying on what we came here to do. To create something is part of our heritage. We can continue to create and carry on our tradition.