Time, Creating and Energy

We are all one together. This is all of us. Everything is one. All is a part of the whole. We are all a part of the whole at all times, and we are each the whole at once as well.

Time. Everything takes time. That is a law, and I am accepting of that law. I must dispel the anger I have toward going to work and working. I will write in here. I am experiencing anger. I am not anger. I am not fear. I am life. I am positive, happy energy! I can share that positive energy with all those around me! I can let the positivity shine!

Here I am writing longhand. I am writing down my thoughts and dreams.

Writing brings in the present for me. I am allowed to get writing done, but I don't need to plow blindly forward in an effort to get more out. I need only to write my way through situations and see myself, changed, on the other side. What does it take to change a human? Something beyond the mind. The mind tricks itself into thinking it has control. In reality, being has control, mind and ego have stripped being of autonomy. But it is different. It is what it is. There is much out there. There is much in here.

Writing is living. I am alive and living. "I'm alive and kicking...." What needs to happen for me to create and share? Nothing external, it is all internal. I need to allow myself, allow the universe to create. I need to allow the creations to be shared. I need to not be concerned about feedback I may or may not receive. I just need to let go. Do nothing while leaving nothing undone. Two modes: write & create mode, in here, in the pages, by hand. Then share mode, out to the world through the computer.

Allow the creativity to work and be worked. Allow the universe to create. Allow the universe to create. Allow the universe to create.

There is energy everywhere. I took that off a though horn that I felt and I let the universe get stuck and pull me along a bit on it's travels.

What we do is only a part of who we are. Where we work is only a part of what we are here for. There is clarity in illusion, and disillusion in clarity. We are all experiencing one thing that becomes many. It is always now o'clock. Never is it isn't the case. Now is constantly happening and shaping our lives. I am open to the signs. I understand the way the universe is working. I still worry. I must escape the worry. I can escape worry by being completely present and not allowing my thoughts to drift, but really, not allowing my thoughts to even be, a negation of thought. Let it all go.