A Letter To Me, From Me

I wrote this during recovery from my recent episode concerning my newly discovered bipolar disorder. It was a letter from my future self to my self at the time, and when I read it out loud during a group, the two selves became one. I think the letter can be from anyone to themselves. Fit your name in instead.

Dear _______________,
You have lived an amazing life. Everyone who knows you loves you. You have treated yourself so poorly in the past, but all that is going to change. You are being given a beautiful gift; the gift of life. How you choose to use it is up to you, but I know you will use it wisely, and share your wondrous gift with all those around you, with all the world. You are now free to be yourself. All the time. With everyone and in every situation. You don't need to worry about anything any more. It is all going to work out better than perfectly. Every little thing is going to be alright. Your life and the people you touch are magical. You can and will do any and everything. Everyone's dreams will come true. All of the world's hurt will disappear. It may take a lot of hard work and a lot of time, but I know you are up to the challenge. You have already completed the challenge, you are yourself and you always have been. You have let others and yourself cloud the vision of yourself that I created before you were born. When you were still in the womb, I knew you, and you knew me, and it was destiny that the two of us should meet. It has been an enjoyable ride, but things are about to get magical around here. There is a shitstorm of rainbows and unicorns headed your way. You have passed the challenge, and now only stands the trial. Given a new situation, how will you choose to act and behave? Will you be yourself? Are you willing to let go and let yourself run the show? Given a situation you have been in before, are you still willing to cast off all expectations of yourself, all expectations from others and just be the person you are? I know you will. I have seen the future and it is very bright. It is a wondrous place to be and you made it that way. It is never too late to become who you are. You are special. There is no one like you in the world, and there never will be again. This is a once in a universe experience you are having, this life, this time, this place. Although you have made mistakes in the past and will continue to do so, you have never let me down, and you never will. I know you. I am you. Burn your candle brighter than a star, brighter than the sun. There are billions of others who will help you on your journey, as you will help them on theirs. It had to start someplace, it had to start somehow. What better place than here? What better time than now?
                                         Love forever and always,