
Discovering that which has always been in my life.

I have always had a desire to write. I have not written very much, until most recently.

To write is to allow the present to enter my life, and the imagination and the expansion of the universe to unfold.

Writing is an exercise in humility and pride at the same moment. Humility to get out of the way, pride in knowing that what I am doing is what I “should” be doing.

It is taking the time to notice the simple things.

There is time and there is energy.

Time is a constant turning of one thing into another. Energy is the way things are turned from one to the other.

There is a constant burning and a constant yearning.

We burn to know, to discover, to understand. We yearn for more, to realize our potential, to be in the moment.

We work toward our goals. Do we set our goals correctly? To be inspired, to be part of life as it unfolds, to be with all of those that are together, not apart, but together.

We work toward a vantage point that shows us that we are all one and the same. We are all part of the same fabric.

We were woven together in a never ending tapestry, but all we see is that we are individual threads. We can step back at any time and see the tapestry, but we get slogged down in the day to day and so lose that idea of stepping back.

We need to make and take time to step back.

There is energy where there was none.

There is feeling where there was none.

Working the process of creation causes creations to exist. Honing the skills and processes to their ultimate sharp edge will keep the creations coming, and at a better and higher quality.

We are discovering that we are not alone. We are not alone because we are all together.

When did we ever take the time to discover that we are not alone?

When we were forced to, many times.

But some go voluntarily as well.

Some go voluntarily as well as being forced to.

But the force is not really a violent forcing at all, it is still voluntary actually. The pillars of a life are just eroded to a point where discovery is the only viable option left, knowledge that we cannot do this alone. We were not meant to do this alone. We were meant to be together.

And together we shall be. We shall be together in what we do, in what we say, in who we are as people, as individuals.

There is a joy in connecting the two together.

There is a happiness beyond understanding that brings us all together into one place.

This all comes from the universe. As it should, through me to the universe. Not necessarily making much sense yet, but that is the resistance in me filtering it through making it unknown, making it inaccessible, but it will become more accessible as time goes on.

There is much to align, well really not much, just me and the universe, the way the tao. I try to align myself daily, but lead myself off the course. I will continue to align myself forever as I live.

Alignment is for the greater purpose of creating a life that is sustainably creative. Creative because the universe has taken over and has made the creations possible. The universe in fact is the one who creates the creations, I just am an observer. I observe the creation being made, and get to enjoy the process.

When dealt into the theater of work, I must observe that I am no longer interested in the baubles or prizes or anything of the like. I am interested in keeping my family sheltered, clothed, fed and with healthcare, and I am interested in creating. Do without doing. I have slipped in productivity, but I have gained in insight.

What I have gained in insight has allowed me to look at life in a completely different way. I am not here to attain anything. I am here to live. And to live in the most beneficial way for me and my family as possible. The best way for me to live is to follow my passion, do what I desire, and be happy creating as much art, writing and music as possible.

I am eager to get to that stage. But it feels as though I cannot get there fast enough. I have all sorts of other things to do, but I focus instead on my passion. That doesn’t feel wrong. In fact, it feels right.

But I still worry. I worry about everything. With my bipolar disorder I find that I see life more clearly, but I am more anxious about the small details of life.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

In the end, I am confident things will work out. In fact, I am confident things will work out in the beginning and the middle too.

The worry is given up to the universe.