
Yesterday was new year's eve, 2023... now it is 2024. I don't know what to write more about yesterday, I have been trying to create some new neural pathways, concerning: reading, writing, exercising, eating well, housework, work work... these things are the things.... the things.

These are the things, all of them... all of what matters... all of what matters, these things.

Now what?


I don't really know what to write here, and I am remembering that that is the way things were back when I was writing daily entries in 2018, the best year of my adult life... it was good, but was it great? Ack, don't look back with negativity. Look forward with positivity!

All of this, all of these things.

Now what?

Well, I am making a schedule, and making a schedule and a schedule... but again, the schedule doesn't really work for me: a prioritized list is best... is best... is best.

These are the things.

I have lists and lists upon lists of things to do.... I need a task list for home, and I already have a habits list for home and work, so now I just need a task list for home... what app could I use for that?

Ack, just use Google Tasks, that is sufficient. That is sufficient... all these things.

Now, what if anything at all... if anything at all.. if anything at alll... these things.

These things.

Now what will I think and do?

What will I think and do, here and now?


I don't know... I just need a home prioritized list. Let's do that.

I know what I have to do: the checklist, the prioritized checklist, do those things do all of those things... do all of them... here and now, do them all... do them all.. so be it... so be it.

So be it. That's enough for today, the dog is annoying and barking.


I must do what I must do.


I am grateful for the time I am given.


I can do this... I can do this.



yesterday was my birthday, it was acceptable. I have decided a couple of things that I will get to later in this entry. I ate food from a diner and a barbeque place... both were good. Time to get back in the habit of making food at home.


These things. What matters today, and what matters at all?

I need to write. I need to write and I need to read.

These are two things I can do that are passive and passive... and that is the thing of the thing.... get and stay busy.

Write a lot.

Read a lot.

Other things I need to do:

1. Walk 20,000 steps, 2. Sweat hard 20 minutes 3. Whole30 4. Read 5. Write.... but what about money?

What about money?

What can and should I do about money, eh?


Keep it separate, for now... keep it separate... for now... keep it separate... these things that I want and need to do and share... all of them. All of these things. Do them each and all and all and each.

Now, what matters? What makes a difference?

How do I do it?