Just Something

I just had to write something, had to share something no matter how small, how useless, irrelevant or what all else.

We all matter. We all make a difference. Sometimes we might not feel that way, but we still do no matter what, we still make an impact, we have an effect, we make waves, we ripple out, we inspire growth and change.

Grow like a vine, spin like a top and allow your light to shine. Let yourself grow. It is not a fits and starts kind of thing, it is always happening, we can just recognize and allow it. We can feel the growth taking place within us, around us, through us.

Life experiences add up to something. That something influences our thoughts. Our thoughts dictate our emotions. Our emotions dictate our actions. It all begins with a thought, sometimes a single thought in a flood of conscious thinking.

I am not interested in thoughts anymore.

I am interested in being.

But life continues in the land of thought, and so I will continue there as well, but I will do so with a look toward the awareness that I am, understanding that I am more than just my thinking, just my conditioned responses to what life throws at me. I am more than the collection of my thoughts and emotions. In fact, those things do not nearly describe a fractional percentage of who I am, or who you are.

We are all here for a reason. Do you know your reason yet?

If not, find it. It makes the stay so much better. That doesn't mean easier, just better.